Just Opt Out of the System?
You ever hear people say, “Just opt out of the system, man!” Like, somehow, you can just unplug yourself from everything and live on a mountain, off the grid, with a vegetable garden and some chickens, free from all the nonsense? Yeah, that’s cute. But let's be real... there’s no full escape from the system. You can’t just not play the game. The system is everywhere, wrapped around us like air. You might not see it, but you’re breathing it in every day.
But here’s the thing… you don’t have to fight it head-on. You don’t have to overthrow the whole thing or declare war on every injustice. There’s a different way. You can use the system, know the system, and at the same time, completely ignore it. Sounds weird, right? Stay with me.
It’s Like Navigating a Maze
Imagine the system is this massive, convoluted maze with walls so high, you can’t even see the exit. Everyone’s inside, running around, bumping into dead ends, following paths that just lead back to the beginning. But here’s the trick... what if you knew the maze better than anyone? What if you figured out where the traps were, where the shortcuts were, and instead of trying to escape the whole thing, you just cruised through, avoiding all the pitfalls and living your life on your own terms?
You see, that’s the game. Not to dismantle the whole maze... because, honestly, that takes an army... but to know it so well that you can glide through it while everyone else is still crashing into walls.
You Don’t Need to Fix the System to Live Well
Here’s a hard truth: the system isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. You can protest it, complain about it, try to break it... go ahead. But the real power move? Learning to operate within it without letting it swallow you whole. It’s like using the system's own momentum to push you forward, while you’re standing on the sidelines, watching everyone else try to brute-force their way through it.
This isn’t about turning a blind eye. You can still see the system. You can still know exactly how rigged it is. You’re just not going to let it consume you.
Play the Game, Don’t Let the Game Play You
Think of it like this: the system is always trying to bait you into feeding it. Work harder, buy more, stress more, achieve more. It wants you stuck on that treadmill, chasing goals that keep moving further away. But you? You know better. You know that you don’t need to win the game to live a good life. You just need to understand the rules well enough to not get trapped by them.
Take money, for example. The system is obsessed with it. Get rich or die trying, right? But once you know the rules, once you see that the system is designed to make you chase after that golden carrot forever, you can step off the hamster wheel. Sure, you need money to live. But once you stop making it your only goal, once you stop letting it define your value, you’ve won. You’re using the system to meet your needs, but you’re not feeding into it.
The Bubble Isn’t Isolation... It’s Freedom
Now, some people will tell you that creating your own little bubble means cutting yourself off from the world. They think it’s about living in a cave or refusing to participate in society. Nope. It’s about creating space for yourself, a mental bubble where you control the narrative. You understand the system’s pulls... how it uses fear, stress, and competition to keep people in line... but you don’t let it dictate your life. You don’t feed that monster.
In your bubble, you still interact with the world. You’re still part of it. You just don’t buy into the hype. You’re not trying to win at capitalism. You’re not trying to climb the social ladder. You’re just using the system as a tool to craft a life you actually enjoy.
Know the System, Don’t Be Ruled by It
When you understand the system, when you see the game for what it is, you’re free. You can navigate it without being manipulated by it. You can work without becoming a slave to work. You can make money without it defining your worth. You can engage with the world without letting it dictate what matters.
It’s like learning to drive. You don’t need to redesign the roads to get where you’re going. You just need to know how to navigate them without getting stuck in traffic every day. And once you master that, the system loses its grip on you.
The Secret to Winning Is Knowing You Don’t Have To
At the end of the day, the secret to winning the game isn’t to try and conquer the whole thing. It’s to know that you don’t have to win. You can live a great life without falling victim to the system’s tricks or feeding into its endless cycles of fear and greed. You can step outside the race, even while everyone else is sprinting toward an ever-moving finish line.
You build your bubble... not to escape... but to create a space where you’re not constantly being pulled in every direction by a system that doesn’t care about you. You’re still living in the world, still doing what you need to do. But you’re doing it on your terms, not the system’s.
That’s real freedom. Knowing the system inside out and choosing to live above it, beyond it, without being tangled up in it.
Love this piece. I’m going to feature it in an upcoming issue of This Week In Leadership.
And it’s awesome to hear your voice reading it
I'm uber flattered.
Thank you. 🙏
And another thank you for recognizing my voice!
500 MrJoe Points! 😎🎉